Akhund Zein-al Abedin Navaei
Mullah Ali
سال تاریخ وفاتش خواستم انشاء كنم تا كند تحسین و تصدیقم روان اوحدی
هاتف غیبی سرود این مصرع نیكو و نغز یافت مولانا علی حقا بقای سرمدی
Abraham Danbeli
Ahmad Khoei
Abol-Abbas Ahmad Khoei has been nicknamed as "Zolfonoon" and has been skilled in most of the sciences of his time and because of that, this title is given to him. Khoei had gone to Sham in the midst of his life and had been subject to the praises of King Isa-EbN-e- Malik Adel, where he had authored a book. Among his compilations is a book containing twenty sciences, while he has been able to complete the incomplete interpretation of Professor Fakhr-e- Razi.
Ahmad Koor!
Friday's Imam Khoei
Haji Mirza Yahya the Friday Imam was from Khoy people and from the "Denabeleh" tribe. He completed his elementary education in his hometown, then continued his education in Tabriz and Najaf and returned to Azerbaijan after attaining the status of purity. He was also involved in politics, so he was elected in parliament for three consecutive terms.
The Friday Imam was a patriotic man, though he opposed the 1919 treaty of Vusugholdoleh. Friday Imam Khoei joined the Divine Mercy in the year of 1946 when he was eighty years old... When Friday Imam lived in Tehran, most of the affairs of the Azerbaijanis were solved in his house.Amir Beig
Amir is from Afshar Orumi and his nickname is Amiri. There is no information about his biography. The poet of "Majmaol Khavas" attributed the following verses to him:
نیستم راضی كه گوید غیر پیغام ترا بی ادب ترسم كه آرد برزبان نام ترا
یك قطره خون و صد غم و محنت دل من است یك دیدن و هزار بال حاصل من است
Amir Khan Beig
He was one of the late relatives of Eskandar khan Bekshlu and a pure man ...The owner of the book "Majmaol Khavas" resembles him as a courageous man and attributed to him two single-bit and one quatrain:
ی بلاگردان چشمت چشم خونپالای من باد قربان سراپایت زسر تا پای من
برو شادی بگیر خاطر ما پامنه هرگز گل عیش چو ما بیطالعان پژمرده می باید
یك حرف زدرد دلم ای پاك نسب در سلك غلامان نشمردی ما را
می گویم اگرچه می شود ترك ادب از لطف تو بسیار عجب بود و عجب
Mullah Muhammad Anis was from Khoy and grew up in Gassabeh. He was a self-taught man, a jurisprudent and a virtuous person, and spent most of his life in a village.
He was originally from Maku (Chores village) and his name was Haji Khodaverdi. He has a divine composition consisting of Persian poetry and Azari dialect, in which the material of elaborate histories can be found. Notice some of verses of his sonnets:
در دل ما غم خوبان وطن ساخته اند در ره عشق دل و دین شده تاراج از آنك
كرده است آنكه چنین طبع ترا عهدشكن خوش مكانی است در او انجمنی ساخته اند
چشم جادوی ترا راهزنی ساخته اند متحمل بجفا همچو منی ساخته اند
گِل (تائب) بسرشتند ز درد غم عشق به بلا و به غنا ممتحنی ساخته اند
Sabet Khoei
His name is Abraham, he was one of Fath Ali Shah’s contemporaries, and he has composed his poems entirely in Azeri dialect.
Jabbar Ayandlou
He was born in Khoy, in 1935, he came to Urmia due to his family transfer and completed his elementary and secondary education in that city. He is now a teacher in Urmia's high schools. His poems has more mystical and religious aspects and there are two examples here:
حافظ در آئینه معرفت بنام نامی نام آور سریر هنر
سزد كه نامه گشایم به نوك خامه زر من و تن و بن و پیوند و هرچه دارم هست
مرید یكدله حافظ غزل پرور كسی نراند چو او رخش رهوار غزل
به بام عشق نگسترد كس چو او شهپر هنوز حافظ ما ایستاده همچو سرو
كنار سایه طوبی و زمزم و كوثر هنوز بلبل شیراز قند ریزد و شهد
ز طبع مشك فشان ، وز لبان همچو شكر هنوز سرور دانشوران بود حافظ
بهر كجاست یكی محض حافظ آرد سر شراب تاك كجا وین همای پاك كجا
شرابخواری او عقل كی كند باور كسیكه دشمن سالوس و كید و ریب و ریاست
چگونه گام نهد بر طریقه منكر
Here are a few paragraphs from his poem written on the occasion of the birthday of Prophet Imam Ali:
دوش كردم نوش جامی از كف ساقی سرمست عقل و اله گشت و حیران آه ناگه دل شد از دست
مرغ جان از شور و مستی رشته زنجیر بگسست وز سر بند علائق چون یكی تیری برون جست
لنگ لنگان در پی دل گه به اوج و گه معلق دل مگو سوزنده آتش چون یكی میر قبائل
در ره مقصود بدرید هر حجابی دید حائل پركشان شد دل بسوی مبدأ كل فضائل
تا دل گمگشته گوید عاقبت پیروز و نائل بهر پابوسی خاك مظهر دادار مطلق
با تنی رنجور و پژمان دوش پرسیدم كه دل كو ذكرم اندر كوی دلبر یا علی گردید و یا هو
بانگ جاء الحق بگوش آمد زهر جانب زهر سو پرده از رخسار پس زد شاهد و دلدار مه رو
خیر مقدم گفت كعبه شد زشوق یا منشق
Jamal Emami
He is the son of Haj Mirza Yahya, the Friday Imam of Khoy, and is one of the most famous men of recent times. Jamal Emami, who has completed his education in Belgium, has been a member of the National Assembly for a couple of years and has been a member of parliament's governors and trustees all along his life...
Jamal Emami has a strong rationality, and most of his success is due to his speaking and explicit talent, which expresses fearlessness in all social affairs.
He co-founded the Justice Party with Ali Dashti's efforts for a while, and this party, especially in Tehran, was influential in some social issues ... Jamal Emami's friendship with Ali Dashti was well-known, and the two political men were often in conversation. Zarifi told that although Jamal Emami was the founder of Justice Party, he was in fact the founder and user of Ali Dashti's party because "justice" is the same as Ali and the cause of justice is Dashti.
Jamal Emami's last job was at the Iranian Embassy in Italy.
Haj Mirza Jabbar Khoei
Haj Mir Habibollah Khoei
He is one of the famous jurisprudents who was born in Khoy in 1883 and completed his higher education in Najaf Ashraf. He was very good in Arabic literature and news ... He was the son of Seyyed Muhammad al-Ra'a'ya. After the completion of his education, he referred to Khoy and started his job as a priest.
Haj Mir-Hibib has important writings, the most famous of which is the book: Manhaj al-Bara'a, a description of Nahj al-Balaghe, which arrived to Tehran in 1899. It is well known that a part of this book is incomplete and fortunately it has recently been completed and refined by the Islamic bookstore in Tehran. Haj Mir Habib' passed away in 1948.
Haji Mir Ya'qub
He was one of the commanders and leaders of Khoy who defended people of that city against the Andranik, the Armenian commander ... At the end of the First World War, Andranik with a large number of Armenians military forces attacked Khoy to conquer that city. In this case, Khoy people defended their city by the help of Haji Mir Ya'qub... This brave act of Haji Mir-Ya'qub made him historical.
Hassan ibn Abdul Momen (Hossam) Khoei
امروز نداریم هوای شش و پنج در بازی شطرنج رهند از صد رنج
Dr. Gharagozlou
He is the son of Haji Hossein, who was born in Khoy in 1917, he was still a young child when his family moved to Urmia and he completed the rest of his education up to the end of high school in Urmia. Then, Gharagozlou went to Tehran for a higher education and received a Phd in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine ...
After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Gharagozlou spent four years in the surgical department of Sina Hospital, then gradually attained the position of Vice President of Surgery Hospital and Head of the Medical School Hospital ...
Dr Gharagozlou went to the United States for two years to complete his knowledge. After returning, he get the degree of professorship, and in addition to being a professor of Tehran Medical School, he was the honorary supervisor of Hospital No. 2 and a distinguished member of the International College of Surgeons ... Dr. Gharagozlou was elected to the National Assembly in the summer of 1964 from Qom.
Sa'ad al-Dowleh
Shahab al-din Abu Abdullah Khoei
His family emigrated from Khoy to Damascus, and Shahab al-din was born in Damascus. It is said that he mastered the syntax, interpretation, meanings, expressions, and mathematics when he was just fourteen years old. He was still a young man who was considered to be one of the leading scholars and jurists of Damascus.
Shahab al- din devoted his life to studying and researching. He has many writings in Arabic, including the following: Aghalim al ta'alim fi fonun asba'e, chapters expression of ebn ma'at, nazm-al- fasih- al-sa'lab, Kafayat- al- motahfez, Olum ebn- al-salah and Ebn- e Malek expression.
Abbasgoli Khan Mazhar Khoei
عین شرك است نه توحید كه سعدی گوید به جهان خرم از آنم كه همه عالم از اوست»
Abdol Razzaq Danbeli
جهان آفرین از جهان برتر است كزو جان پاك آمد این مشت خاك
همه هست بر هستی او گواه جلالش زكون و مكان برتر است
دلم بود بویا چو مشك تتار چو مرغ خزان دیده گشتم مگر
بدان سان كه باد صحرگه بدشت چه شد مایه شادمانی دریغ
زمن بزم یاران چو خرم بهار بكنجی فرو برده سر زیر پر
كنون من به نیروی طبع بلند ببندم كمان سخن را چو زه
سخن سنج پیشینه دانای طوس زشهنامه اش رسم سحر آشكار
پس از وی صبا در سخن پادشاست غزالان معنی در آرم به بند
جها از كلامش چو خرم بهار كه چشم سخن از صبا در ضیاست
ز خیل خوبرویان سهی قامت ترا دیدم پری دیدار و گل رخسار و خوش گفتار و مه پیكر
لب و زلف و خط و چشم تو ای رشك سیه چشمان شكر ریز و عبیر آمیز و عنبر بیز و غارتگر
دریغ از روز وصل تو كه دورم از تو و دارم بسر خاك و بكف باد و بچشم آب و بدل آذر
بجان زار من رحمی كه باشد در غم عشقت بلب آه و بدل ناله بتن داغ و بدل اخگر
سزد گویم كه باغ خلد دارم چون ترا دارم كه تو حوری رخت جنت قدت طوبی لبت كوثر
ربودی از كف من دین و دل زان طره مشگین نمی ترسی مگر از عدل شاهنشاه دین پرور
حوران در انتظار من و من ز ابلهی از زال پر فریب جهان عشوه می خرم
گر مفلسم زگوهر شادی از آن چه باك بنگر ز اشك دانه یاقوت احمرم
پرمایه ایم اگرچه ز زر نیست مایه ام گو اینكه مفلسم زقناعت توانگرم
Ali ebn-e- Ali Al-Reza
A manuscript of this man is written in the shape of poetry, indicating that he lived in Khoy at first and then moved to Urmia and lived there for the rest of his life. This poem has been disciplined in describing the life of the author and his travels, lacking date and some of its contents show that the speaker was involved in ancient philosophy and wisdom. He has discussed differences among the Islamic divisions and wished them to come to an end and the Islamic nations have come together to unite, and now a few bits from his poem's introduction ...
زینه الاقوال نام داور است بر حدیث كل امر امتثال
ای خدای واهب اصل وجود علت ابداع باشی بی غرض
از تو باشد جمله نعمتهای ما هرچه باشد خالی زنامش ابتر است
لازم آمد تا نیابد ره زوال ای تو منظور همه اهل سجود
جمله معلول تو جوهر یا عرض قوت و قدرت فتوتهای من
Ali ebn- e- Alireza Khoei has also been involved in Jurisprudence. His writings are as following:
1- Tashrih Alsodur Fi Vagaye'alayyam Valdohur
2- Ta'adol and Tarajih
3- Hal Ala'zal Fi Javab Vassoal
4- Rade Wahhabiyyah
5- Describing the prayer of Sabah Amir al-Momenin
6- Narration of Einiyeh Homiri
7-Aghd Nekah
8- Lesanol takammoleh Fi Javab Alas'le
9 - Vasih Algorbah.
Sheikh Ali Khoei died in 1972. He has also been involved in cultural services in Urmia for several years. His manuscript is also in the hands of its authors.
Gharib Denbeli
Mohammad ebn-e- Abd al-Razzaq is a 13th century scientist. He completed his studies at Dar al-Fonoon in Tehran and went to Paris under the tutelage of Hassan Ali Khan in 1897. He returned to Iran and started working after completing his studies in Europe.
Mostafa ebn- e- Yahya
Mullah Ahmad Khoei
وین گردنم از بند غم آزاد كند یا آنكه مرا به خویش داماد كند !