Establishment and Utilization of Khoy textile factories by Provincial and Country Authorities
At 12:00 P.M. on Monday, 2019/04/22 and on World Clean Air Day, with the presence of Dr. Nazari, the Honorable General Director of Environmental Protection of the West Azerbaijan Province and a number of officials of Khoy city and the Evogli district, including the Deputy Governor of Khoy City, Governers of Markazi and Evogli districts, the Honorable President of the Khoy City Environmental Protection Agency and the Honorable Mayor of Evogli and a number of industry executives in the city of Khoy, the refinery section is established and put into operation in an area of 1300 cubic meter.
During the ceremony, the honorable guests visited different parts of Khoy Textile Factory production line and at the end, the establishment ceremony of the refinery was held and at the end of the visit Mr. Shabanloui presented various stages of factory development and its increased production. He expressed the importance of establishing a refinery. Dr. Pooya manesh, Deputy Governor, at the ceremony emphasized their views on the importance of environmental protection. Finally, Dr. Nazari, General Manager of Environment Protection of West Azerbaijan, spoke about the importance of employment and increasing the capacity of production. He emphasized the environmental support schemes and appreciated the managers of the factory for operating and considering it.
Khoy Textile Management appreciates the gratitude of all provincial and city officials for their assistance to the factories in implementing the development plan and wishes them success.